6.) Step By Step To Join An Affiliate Market:

Affiliate marketing is becoming very popular these days. By joining an affiliate market, you are able to earn extra money online. At present, many affiliate markets have come in existence for gaining profits. However, you may have a question in mind that with so many affiliate markets, how and which affiliate market to join.

Clikcbank and PayDotCom are two best and popular affiliate markets that you may join. PayDotCom is a leading affiliate market for digital items. It also has non-digital items, but most of the items on PayDotCom are digital. Clikcbank has more than 10,000 listed vendors and gives freedom to choose services or products you may like to promote.

Tips to join Clikcbank and PayDotcom:

Listed below are the steps on how to join Clikcbank:

a).To sign up with Clikcbank, you need to provide basic information such as name, phone number and address.

b.).Next step is to view all the available products. You may also look for bestselling items. All the products are ranked according to their popularity features. You also need to see the percentage of commission offered by vendors on products. Check the sales page of the product and then make your choice.

c.).After selecting a product to promote, you need to go on the order page and check for your name in the affiliate lineup. Next, you need to select a product link. This product link may be a link to a specific product page, link to the order form or a link to Clikcbank item. After selecting your product link and the product, you can keep an eye on your progress and check for the product sales.

d).The pay system of Clikcbank is through check. The payment is done
twice a month. The pay periods end on 1st and 16th of every month. Your check is mailed within 15 days after the end of each period. There will be a small deduction of processing fee from each check.

Steps to join PayDotCom:

These are the following steps to join PayDotCom:

e.).The first step is the sign up step. Fill in all the required details in the form. If you have a PayPal account, you may provide the PayPal email address.

f.).Next step is to check for the products, vendors and the payment methods. After checking all these details, you may decide for which product to choose. Later check the terms and conditions and type the five-digit verification code to subscribe. After filling in all these details, you need to click on 'Sign Up.'

g.).After signing up, you will see your account page. Your account page contains your name at the top of the screen. There are two types of account. One is the basic account and the other is a premier account. Premier account allows the sales of more than one product, whereas the basic account allows the sales of only one product. You may choose any particular affiliate market after making a thorough research and checking if there is any scope of growth and profit.

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